Posts about this and that.

onsdag 21 oktober 2009

I Hate Bugs

First real bug has surfaced. Sometimes the input stops responding a little. But just a little. I can move like before, I can shoot like before, but just not in that direction. :P
I had the problem at one time that I could only shoot to the left. And not like up, left or down, left. just left.

The really odd thing about this bug is that it disappears when some other, unrelated, part of the code is changed. For example, the laser shots was just simple lines in the beginning. I later replaced them with an animated image, and suddenly I could not shoot to the right... I then changed something else somewhere, and suddenly I could shoot right again.

Not sure why this bugs jumps in and out like that. I think it has something to do with us pushing poor old Ruby a bit too hard. That, or it's some Ruby 1.8.7 on snow leopard issue, since ruby 1.9.1 on windows seems unaffected by it.

Oh, well. Haven't seen it for a while. I hope it's dead now. Some nice optimizations have been made recently. :)

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