Posts about this and that.

fredag 29 januari 2010

My web page is now updated!

I did some work on my web page today. It's now slightly more informative, and not just a collection of links.

Well, it's still links, but with more text and pictures! So go there and click around a bit if you like.

måndag 25 januari 2010


I skipped the music. I ran out of time and was eager to get it released. It will hopefully be added in a later version of the game.

You can all go HERE and play it. Enjoy.

And I also wrote a Post Mortem blog entry on my blog over there. That's right. I have two blogs now! Not that I will stop writing in this one. It's just that I got that one when I registered and, you know, why not? Go read it if it tickles your fancy.

söndag 24 januari 2010


It's done. I think. Time is running out, and I don't have any big points on the almighty TODO list left to do.
Except for the music. I need music. I have, with some luck, a tune coming in tonight but there are no guarantees for it... The game would work without music. It's not the end of the world. I can always update the game later on, I think, when I have some music, but it would be great to have it from the start. But oh, well. I made the game in under a week! It's a bit crazy how much I got done in that little time! :)

I will wait a few more hours for the music, but then I really have to upload the game and hope for the best. I don't think I'll win the competition, but I want to see what others think of my game. Whatever it might be. I make games because I think it is fun, not to win cash or prizes. Even if it is nice if I do. ;)

onsdag 20 januari 2010


Been coding like mad, since I decided to enter the Game Jolt competition. The theme is Rogue, so I made a game where you stand on a building with a hook shot and must steal stuff from people who walks underneath. But then when I finally started to do some animations, unity and blender decided they didn't like each other anymore and everything went belly up. At least when it comes to motivation. With only a week left I didn't want to waste a lot of time on something silly like that, so I did the only reasonable thing one could do. I started a new game! :P

The new game is isometric, and is only using 2 colours. You run around a map and mug people. Basically. I got the map done, and is working on ironing out the A* bugs (they sometimes get lost :P). Then I shall add randomly walking NPC's, and NPC's that follows a route, like cops, and then the mugging bit. Mugging someone makes the cops come running so one must run and hide the loot. For every X mugged people, a new cop will be added. Or something like that. I have zero planning so it will be interesting to see how it turns out...

I got about 3 days left now. This will be a mad rush for the finish line! :)

fredag 8 januari 2010

I'm everywhere!

I was working on a Zombi remake a couple of days ago. Now I'm working on a game inspired by a board game we have. I should be working on my puzzle game, but there's a bunch more wips in my "Projects" folder than screams for attention. :P

But the board game clone is coming along nicely. Randomly generated maze and lighting effects and all that stuff. Wife is helping out with this one too. I ask stuff and she does her best to answer. :)